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    Elementary Concepts in Statistics.


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    Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Empty Elementary Concepts in Statistics.

    Post by safdarmurad Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:37 am


    In this introduction, we will briefly discuss those elementary statistical
    concepts that provide the necessary foundations for more specialized expertise
    in any area of statistical data analysis. The selected topics illustrate the
    basic assumptions of most statistical methods and/or have been demonstrated in
    research to be necessary components of our general understanding of the
    "quantitative nature" of reality (Nisbett, et al., 1987). We will
    focus mostly on the functional aspects of the concepts discussed and the
    presentation will be very short. Further information on each of the concepts
    can be found in statistical textbooks. Recommended introductory textbooks are:
    Kachigan (1986), and Runyon and Haber (1976); for a more advanced discussion of
    elementary theory and assumptions of statistics, see the classic books by Hays
    (1988), and Kendall and Stuart (1979).

    What are Variables?

    Variables are things that we measure, control, or manipulate in research.
    They differ in many respects, most notably in the role they are given in our
    research and in the type of measures that can be applied to them.

    Correlational vs.
    Experimental Research

    Most empirical research belongs clearly to one of these two general
    categories. In correlational research, we do not (or at least try not to)
    influence any variables but only measure them and look for relations
    (correlations) between some set of variables, such as blood pressure and
    cholesterol level. In experimental research, we manipulate some variables and
    then measure the effects of this manipulation on other variables. For example,
    a researcher might artificially increase blood pressure and then record
    cholesterol level. Data analysis in experimental research also comes down to
    calculating "correlations" between variables, specifically, those
    manipulated and those affected by the manipulation. However, experimental data
    may potentially provide qualitatively better information: only experimental
    data can conclusively demonstrate causal relations between variables. For
    example, if we found that whenever we change variable A then variable B
    changes, then we can conclude that "A influences B." Data from
    correlational research can only be "interpreted" in causal terms
    based on some theories that we have, but correlational data cannot conclusively
    prove causality.

    Dependent vs. Independent Variables

    Independent variables are those that are manipulated whereas dependent
    variables are only measured or registered. This distinction appears
    terminologically confusing to many because, as some students say, "all
    variables depend on something." However, once you get used to this
    distinction, it becomes indispensable. The terms dependent and independent
    variable apply mostly to experimental research where some variables are
    manipulated, and in this sense they are "independent" from the
    initial reaction patterns, features, intentions, etc. of the subjects. Some
    other variables are expected to be "dependent" on the manipulation or
    experimental conditions. That is to say, they depend on "what the subject
    will do" in response. Somewhat contrary to the nature of this distinction,
    these terms are also used in studies where we do not literally manipulate
    independent variables, but only assign subjects to "experimental
    groups" based on some pre-existing properties of the subjects. For
    example, if in an experiment, males are compared to females regarding
    their white cell count (WCC), Gender could be called the independent
    variable and WCC the dependent variable.

    Measurement Scales

    Variables differ in how well they can be measured, i.e., in how much
    measurable information their measurement scale can provide. There is obviously
    some measurement error involved in every measurement, which determines the
    amount of information that we can obtain. Another factor that determines the
    amount of information that can be provided by a variable is its type of
    measurement scale. Specifically, variables are classified as (a) nominal, (b)
    ordinal, (c) interval, or (d) ratio.

    1. Nominal variables allow for
      only qualitative classification. That is, they can be measured only in
      terms of whether the individual items belong to some distinctively
      different categories, but we cannot quantify or even rank order those
      categories. For example, all we can say is that two individuals are
      different in terms of variable A (e.g., they are of different race), but
      we cannot say which one "has more" of the quality represented by
      the variable. Typical examples of nominal variables are gender, race,
      color, city, etc.
    2. Ordinal variables allow us to
      rank order the items we measure in terms of which has less and which has
      more of the quality represented by the variable, but still they do not
      allow us to say "how much more." A typical example of an ordinal
      variable is the socioeconomic status of families. For example, we know
      that upper-middle is higher than middle but we cannot say that it is, for
      example, 18% higher. Also, this very distinction between nominal,
      ordinal, and interval scales itself represents a good example of an
      ordinal variable. For example, we can say that nominal measurement
      provides less information than ordinal measurement, but we cannot say
      "how much less" or how this difference compares to the
      difference between ordinal and interval scales.
    3. Interval variables allow us
      not only to rank order the items that are measured, but also to quantify
      and compare the sizes of differences between them. For example,
      temperature, as measured in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius, constitutes an
      interval scale. We can say that a temperature of 40 degrees is higher than
      a temperature of 30 degrees, and that an increase from 20 to 40 degrees is
      twice as much as an increase from 30 to 40 degrees.
    4. Ratio variables are very
      similar to interval variables; in addition to all the properties of
      interval variables, they feature an identifiable absolute zero point,
      thus, they allow for statements such as x is two times more than y.
      Typical examples of ratio scales are measures of time or space. For
      example, as the Kelvin temperature scale is a ratio scale, not only can we
      say that a temperature of 200 degrees is higher than one of 100 degrees,
      we can correctly state that it is twice as high. Interval scales do not
      have the ratio property. Most statistical data analysis procedures do not
      distinguish between the interval and ratio properties of the measurement

    Relations between Variables

    Regardless of their type, two or more variables are related if, in a sample
    of observations, the values of those variables are distributed in a consistent
    manner. In other words, variables are related if their values systematically
    correspond to each other for these observations. For example, Gender and
    WCC would be considered to be related if most males had high WCC and
    most females low WCC, or vice versa; Height is related to Weight
    because, typically, tall individuals are heavier than short ones; IQ is
    related to the Number of Errors in a test if people with higher IQ's
    make fewer errors.

    Why Relations between Variables are Important

    Generally speaking, the ultimate goal of every research or scientific
    analysis is to find relations between variables. The philosophy of science
    teaches us that there is no other way of representing "meaning"
    except in terms of relations between some quantities or qualities; either way
    involves relations between variables. Thus, the advancement of science must always
    involve finding new relations between variables. Correlational research
    involves measuring such relations in the most straightforward manner. However,
    experimental research is not any different in this respect. For example, the
    above mentioned experiment comparing WCC in males and females can be
    described as looking for a correlation between two variables: Gender and
    WCC. Statistics does nothing else but help us evaluate relations
    between variables. Actually, all of the hundreds of procedures that are
    described in this online textbook can be interpreted in terms of evaluating
    various kinds of inter-variable relations.

    Two Basic Features of Every Relation between Variables

    The two most elementary formal properties of every relation between
    variables are the relation's (a) magnitude (or "size") and (b) its
    reliability (or "truthfulness").

    1. Magnitude (or
      "size"). The magnitude is much easier to understand and measure
      than the reliability. For example, if every male in our sample was found
      to have a higher WCC than any female in the sample, we could say
      that the magnitude of the relation between the two variables (Gender and
      WCC) is very high in our sample. In other words, we could predict
      one based on the other (at least among the members of our sample).
    2. Reliability (or
      "truthfulness"). The reliability of a relation is a much less
      intuitive concept, but still extremely important. It pertains to the
      "representativeness" of the result found in our specific sample
      for the entire population. In other words, it says how probable it is that
      a similar relation would be found if the experiment was replicated with
      other samples drawn from the same population. Remember that we are almost
      never "ultimately" interested only in what is going on in our
      sample; we are interested in the sample only to the extent it can provide
      information about the population. If our study meets some specific
      criteria (to be mentioned later), then the reliability of a relation
      between variables observed in our sample can be quantitatively estimated
      and represented using a standard measure (technically called p-value or
      statistical significance level, see the next paragraph).

    What is "Statistical Significance" (p-value)?

    The statistical significance of a result is the probability that the
    observed relationship (e.g., between variables) or a difference (e.g., between
    means) in a sample occurred by pure chance ("luck of the draw"), and
    that in the population from which the sample was drawn, no such relationship or
    differences exist. Using less technical terms, we could say that the
    statistical significance of a result tells us something about the degree to
    which the result is "true" (in the sense of being
    "representative of the population").

    More technically, the value of the p-value represents a decreasing index of
    the reliability of a result (see Brownlee, 1960). The higher the p-value, the
    less we can believe that the observed relation between variables in the sample
    is a reliable indicator of the relation between the respective variables in the
    population. Specifically, the p-value represents the probability of error that
    is involved in accepting our observed result as valid, that is, as
    "representative of the population." For example, a p-value of .05
    (i.e.,1/20) indicates that there is a 5% probability that the relation between
    the variables found in our sample is a "fluke." In other words,
    assuming that in the population there was no relation between those variables
    whatsoever, and we were repeating experiments such as ours one after another,
    we could expect that approximately in every 20 replications of the experiment
    there would be one in which the relation between the variables in question
    would be equal or stronger than in ours. (Note that this is not the same as
    saying that, given that there IS a relationship between the variables, we can
    expect to replicate the results 5% of the time or 95% of the time; when there
    is a relationship between the variables in the population, the probability of
    replicating the study and finding that relationship is related to the statistical
    of the design. See also, Power Analysis). In
    many areas of research, the p-value of .05 is customarily treated as a
    "border-line acceptable" error level.

    How to Determine that a Result is "Really" Significant

    There is no way to avoid arbitrariness in the final decision as to what
    level of significance will be treated as really "significant." That
    is, the selection of some level of significance, up to which the results will
    be rejected as invalid, is arbitrary. In practice, the final decision usually
    depends on whether the outcome was predicted a priori or only found
    post hoc in the course of many analyses and comparisons performed on the data
    set, on the total amount of consistent supportive evidence in the entire data
    set, and on "traditions" existing in the particular area of research.
    Typically, in many sciences, results that yield pElementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image001 .05 are considered
    borderline statistically significant, but remember that this level of
    significance still involves a pretty high probability of error (5%). Results
    that are significant at the p Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image001 .01 level are commonly
    considered statistically significant, and p Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image001 .005 or p Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image001 .001 levels are often
    called "highly" significant. But remember that these classifications
    represent nothing else but arbitrary conventions that are only informally based
    on general research experience.

    Statistical Significance and the Number of Analyses Performed

    Needless to say, the more analyses you perform on a data set, the more
    results will meet "by chance" the conventional significance level.
    For example, if you calculate correlations between ten variables (i.e., 45
    different correlation coefficients), then you should expect to find by chance
    that about two (i.e., one in every 20) correlation coefficients are significant
    at the p Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image001 .05 level, even if the
    values of the variables were totally random and those variables do not
    correlate in the population. Some statistical methods that involve many
    comparisons and, thus, a good chance for such errors include some
    "correction" or adjustment for the total number of comparisons.
    However, many statistical methods (especially simple exploratory data analyses)
    do not offer any straightforward remedies to this problem. Therefore, it is up
    to the researcher to carefully evaluate the reliability of unexpected findings.
    Many examples in this online textbook offer specific advice on how to
    do this; relevant information can also be found in most research methods

    Strength vs. Reliability of a Relation between Variables

    We said before that strength and reliability are two different features of
    relationships between variables. However, they are not totally independent. In
    general, in a sample of a particular size, the larger the magnitude of the
    relation between variables, the more reliable the relation (see the next

    Why Stronger Relations between Variables are More Significant

    Assuming that there is no relation between the respective variables in the
    population, the most likely outcome would be also finding no relation between
    these variables in the research sample. Thus, the stronger the relation found
    in the sample, the less likely it is that there is no corresponding relation in
    the population. As you see, the magnitude and significance of a relation appear
    to be closely related, and we could calculate the significance from the
    magnitude and vice-versa; however, this is true only if the sample size is kept
    constant, because the relation of a given strength could be either highly
    significant or not significant at all, depending on the sample size (see the
    next paragraph).

    Why Significance of a Relation between Variables Depends on the Size of the

    If there are very few observations, then there are also respectively few
    possible combinations of the values of the variables and, thus, the probability
    of obtaining by chance a combination of those values indicative of a strong
    relation is relatively high.

    Consider the following illustration. If we are interested in two variables (Gender:
    male/female and WCC: high/low), and there are only four subjects in
    our sample (two males and two females), then the probability that we will find,
    purely by chance, a 100% relation between the two variables can be as high as
    one-eighth. Specifically, there is a one-in-eight chance that both males will
    have a high WCC and both females a low WCC, or vice versa.

    Now consider the probability of obtaining such a perfect match by chance if
    our sample consisted of 100 subjects; the probability of obtaining such an
    outcome by chance would be practically zero.

    Let's look at a more general example. Imagine a theoretical population in
    which the average value of WCC in males and females is exactly the
    same. Needless to say, if we start replicating a simple experiment by drawing
    pairs of samples (of males and females) of a particular size from this
    population and calculating the difference between the average WCC in
    each pair of samples, most of the experiments will yield results close to 0.
    However, from time to time, a pair of samples will be drawn where the
    difference between males and females will be quite different from 0. How often
    will it happen? The smaller the sample size in each experiment, the more likely
    it is that we will obtain such erroneous results, which in this case would be
    results indicative of the existence of a relation between Gender and WCC
    obtained from a population in which such a relation does not exist

    Example: Baby Boys to Baby Girls Ratio

    Consider this example from research on statistical reasoning (Nisbett, et
    al., 1987). There are two hospitals: in the first one, 120 babies are born
    every day; in the other, only 12. On average, the ratio of baby boys to baby
    girls born every day in each hospital is 50/50. However, one day, in one of
    those hospitals, twice as many baby girls were born as baby boys. In which
    hospital was it more likely to happen? The answer is obvious for a
    statistician, but as research shows, not so obvious for a lay person: it is
    much more likely to happen in the small hospital. The reason for this is that
    technically speaking, the probability of a random deviation of a particular
    size (from the population mean), decreases with the increase in the sample

    Why Small Relations Can be Proven Significant Only in Large Samples

    The examples in the previous paragraphs indicate that if a relationship
    between variables in question is "objectively" (i.e., in the
    population) small, then there is no way to identify such a relation in a study
    unless the research sample is correspondingly large. Even if our sample is in
    fact "perfectly representative," the effect will not be statistically
    significant if the sample is small. Analogously, if a relation in question is
    "objectively" very large, then it can be found to be highly
    significant even in a study based on a very small sample.

    Consider this additional illustration. If a coin is slightly asymmetrical
    and, when tossed, is somewhat more likely to produce heads than tails (e.g.,
    60% vs. 40%), then ten tosses would not be sufficient to convince anyone that
    the coin is asymmetrical even if the outcome obtained (six heads and four
    tails) was perfectly representative of the bias of the coin. However, is it so
    that 10 tosses is not enough to prove anything? No; if the effect in question
    were large enough, then ten tosses could be quite enough. For instance, imagine
    now that the coin is so asymmetrical that no matter how you toss it, the
    outcome will be heads. If you tossed such a coin ten times and each toss
    produced heads, most people would consider it sufficient evidence that
    something is wrong with the coin. In other words, it would be considered
    convincing evidence that in the theoretical population of an infinite number of
    tosses of this coin, there would be more heads than tails. Thus, if a relation
    is large, then it can be found to be significant even in a small sample.

    Can "No Relation" be a Significant Result?

    The smaller the relation between variables, the larger the sample size that
    is necessary to prove it significant. For example, imagine how many tosses
    would be necessary to prove that a coin is asymmetrical if its bias were only
    .000001%! Thus, the necessary minimum sample size increases as the magnitude of
    the effect to be demonstrated decreases. When the magnitude of the effect
    approaches 0, the necessary sample size to conclusively prove it approaches
    infinity. That is to say, if there is almost no relation between two variables,
    then the sample size must be almost equal to the population size, which is
    assumed to be infinitely large. Statistical significance represents the
    probability that a similar outcome would be obtained if we tested the entire
    population. Thus, everything that would be found after testing the entire
    population would be, by definition, significant at the highest possible level,
    and this also includes all "no relation" results.

    How to Measure the Magnitude (Strength) of Relations between Variables

    There are very many measures of the magnitude of relationships between
    variables that have been developed by statisticians; the choice of a
    specific measure in given circumstances depends on the number of variables
    involved, measurement scales used, nature of the relations, etc. Almost all of
    them, however, follow one general principle: they attempt to somehow evaluate
    the observed relation by comparing it to the "maximum imaginable
    relation" between those specific variables.

    Technically speaking, a common way to perform such evaluations is to look at
    how differentiated the values are of the variables, and then calculate what
    part of this "overall available differentiation" is accounted for by
    instances when that differentiation is "common" in the two (or more)
    variables in question. Speaking less technically, we compare "what is
    common in those variables" to "what potentially could have been
    common if the variables were perfectly related."

    Let's consider a simple illustration. Let's say that in our sample, the
    average index of WCC is 100 in males and 102 in females. Thus, we could say
    that on average, the deviation of each individual score from the grand mean
    (101) contains a component due to the gender of the subject; the size of this
    component is 1. That value, in a sense, represents some measure of relation
    between Gender and WCC. However, this value is a very poor
    measure because it does not tell us how relatively large this component is
    given the "overall differentiation" of WCC scores. Consider two
    extreme possibilities:

    1. If all WCC scores of males
      were equal exactly to 100 and those of females equal to 102, then all
      deviations from the grand mean in our sample would be entirely accounted
      for by gender. We would say that in our sample, Gender is
      perfectly correlated with WCC, that is, 100% of the observed
      differences between subjects regarding their WCC is accounted for by their
    2. If WCC scores were in the
      range of 0-1000, the same difference (of 2) between the average WCC of
      males and females found in the study would account for such a small part
      of the overall differentiation of scores that most likely it would be
      considered negligible. For example, one more subject taken into account
      could change, or even reverse the direction of the difference. Therefore,
      every good measure of relations between variables must take into account
      the overall differentiation of individual scores in the sample and
      evaluate the relation in terms of (relatively) how much of this
      differentiation is accounted for by the relation in question.

    Common "General Format" of Most Statistical Tests

    Because the ultimate goal of most statistical tests is to evaluate relations
    between variables, most statistical tests follow the general format that was
    explained in the previous paragraph. Technically speaking, they represent a
    ratio of some measure of the differentiation common in the variables in
    question to the overall differentiation of those variables. For example, they
    represent a ratio of the part of the overall differentiation of the WCC scores
    that can be accounted for by gender to the overall differentiation of the WCC
    scores. This ratio is usually called a ratio of explained variation to total
    variation. In statistics, the term explained variation does not necessarily
    imply that we "conceptually understand" it. It is used only to denote
    the common variation in the variables in question, that is, the part of
    variation in one variable that is "explained" by the specific values
    of the other variable, and vice versa.

    How the "Level of Statistical Significance" is Calculated

    Let's assume that we have already calculated a measure of a relation between
    two variables (as explained above). The next question is "how significant
    is this relation?" For example, is 40% of the explained variance between
    the two variables enough to consider the relation significant? The answer is
    "it depends."

    Specifically, the significance depends mostly on the sample size. As
    explained before, in very large samples, even very small relations between
    variables will be significant, whereas in very small samples even very large
    relations cannot be considered reliable (significant). Thus, in order to
    determine the level of statistical significance, we need a function that
    represents the relationship between "magnitude" and
    "significance" of relations between two variables, depending on the
    sample size. The function we need would tell us exactly "how likely it is
    to obtain a relation of a given magnitude (or larger) from a sample of a given
    size, assuming that there is no such relation between those variables in the
    population." In other words, that function would give us the significance
    (p) level, and it would tell us the probability of error involved in rejecting
    the idea that the relation in question does not exist in the population. This
    "alternative" hypothesis (that there is no relation in the
    population) is usually called the null hypothesis. It would be ideal if the
    probability function was linear and, for example, only had different slopes for
    different sample sizes. Unfortunately, the function is more complex and is not
    always exactly the same; however, in most cases we know its shape and can use
    it to determine the significance levels for our findings in samples of a
    particular size. Most of these functions are related to a general type of function,
    which is called normal.

    Why the "Normal Distribution" is Important

    The "normal distribution" is important because in most cases, it
    well approximates the function that was introduced in the previous paragraph
    (for a detailed illustration, see Are
    All Test Statistics Normally Distributed?
    ). The distribution of many test
    statistics is normal or follows some form that can be derived from the normal
    distribution. In this sense, philosophically speaking, the normal distribution
    represents one of the empirically verified elementary "truths about the
    general nature of reality," and its status can be compared to the one of
    fundamental laws of natural sciences. The exact shape of the normal
    distribution (the characteristic "bell curve") is defined by a
    function that has only two parameters: mean and standard deviation.

    A characteristic property of the normal distribution is that 68% of all of
    its observations fall within a range of ±1 standard deviation from the mean,
    and a range of ±2 standard deviations includes 95% of the scores. In other
    words, in a normal distribution, observations that have a standardized value of
    less than -2 or more than +2 have a relative frequency of 5% or less.
    (Standardized value means that a value is expressed in terms of its difference
    from the mean, divided by the standard deviation.) If you have access to STATISTICA,
    you can explore the exact values of probability associated with different
    values in the normal distribution using the interactive Probability Calculator
    tool; for example, if you enter the Z value (i.e., standardized value) of 4,
    the associated probability computed by STATISTICA will be less than
    .0001, because in the normal distribution almost all observations (i.e., more
    than 99.99%) fall within the range of ±4 standard deviations. The animation
    below shows the tail area associated with other Z values.

    Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image003

    Illustration of How the Normal Distribution is Used in Statistical
    Reasoning (Induction)

    Recall the example discussed above, where pairs of samples of males and
    females were drawn from a population in which the average value of WCC in males
    and females was exactly the same. Although the most likely outcome of such
    experiments (one pair of samples per experiment) was that the difference
    between the average WCC in males and females in each pair is close to zero,
    from time to time, a pair of samples will be drawn where the difference between
    males and females is quite different from 0. How often does it happen? If the
    sample size is large enough, the results of such replications are
    "normally distributed" (this important principle is explained and
    illustrated in the next paragraph) and, thus, knowing the shape of the normal
    curve, we can precisely calculate the probability of obtaining "by
    chance" outcomes representing various levels of deviation from the
    hypothetical population mean of 0. If such a calculated probability is so low
    that it meets the previously accepted criterion of statistical significance,
    then we have only one choice: conclude that our result gives a better
    approximation of what is going on in the population than the "null
    hypothesis" (remember that the null hypothesis was considered only for
    "technical reasons" as a benchmark against which our empirical result
    was evaluated). Note that this entire reasoning is based on the assumption that
    the shape of the distribution of those "replications" (technically,
    the "sampling distribution") is normal. This assumption is discussed
    in the next paragraph.

    Are All Test Statistics Normally Distributed?

    Not all, but most of them are either based on the normal distribution
    directly or on distributions that are related to and can be derived from normal,
    such as t,
    or Chi-square.
    Typically, these tests require that the variables analyzed are themselves
    normally distributed in the population, that is, they meet the so-called
    "normality assumption." Many observed variables actually are normally
    distributed, which is another reason why the normal distribution represents a
    "general feature" of empirical reality. The problem may occur
    when we try to use a normal distribution-based test to analyze data from
    variables that are themselves not normally distributed (see tests of normality
    in Nonparametrics
    In such cases, we have two general choices. First, we can use some alternative
    "nonparametric" test (or so-called "distribution-free test"
    see, Nonparametrics); but this is often inconvenient because such tests are
    typically less powerful and less flexible in terms of types of conclusions that
    they can provide. Alternatively, in many cases we can still use the normal
    distribution-based test if we only make sure that the size of our samples is
    large enough. The latter option is based on an extremely important principle
    that is largely responsible for the popularity of tests that are based on the normal
    function. Namely, as the sample size increases, the shape of the sampling
    distribution (i.e., distribution of a statistic from the sample; this term was
    first used by Fisher, 1928a) approaches normal shape, even if the distribution
    of the variable in question is not normal. This principle is illustrated in the
    following animation showing a series of sampling distributions (created with
    gradually increasing sample sizes of: 2, 5, 10, 15, and 30) using a variable
    that is clearly non-normal in the population, that is, the distribution of its
    values is clearly skewed.

    Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Clip_image005

    However, as the sample size (of samples used to create the sampling
    distribution of the mean) increases, the shape of the sampling distribution
    becomes normal. Note that for n=30, the shape of that distribution is
    "almost" perfectly normal (see the close match of the fit). This
    principle is called the central limit theorem (this term was first used by
    Pólya, 1920; German, "Zentraler Grenzwertsatz").

    How Do We Know the Consequences of Violating the Normality Assumption?

    Although many of the statements made in the preceding paragraphs can be
    proven mathematically, some of them do not have theoretical proof and can be
    demonstrated only empirically, via so-called Monte-Carlo experiments. In these
    experiments, large numbers of samples are generated by a computer following
    predesigned specifications, and the results from such samples are analyzed
    using a variety of tests. This way we can empirically evaluate the type and
    magnitude of errors or biases to which we are exposed when certain theoretical
    assumptions of the tests we are using are not met by our data. Specifically,
    Monte-Carlo studies were used extensively with normal distribution-based tests
    to determine how sensitive they are to violations of the assumption of normal
    distribution of the analyzed variables in the population. The general
    conclusion from these studies is that the consequences of such violations are
    less severe than previously thought. Although these conclusions should not entirely
    discourage anyone from being concerned about the normality assumption, they
    have increased the overall popularity of the distribution-dependent statistical
    tests in all areas of research.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 11:49 am