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    Disease Control Methods

    Dr Abdul Aziz Awan
    Dr Abdul Aziz Awan

    Pisces Number of posts : 685
    Age : 56
    Location : WHO Country Office Islamabad
    Job : National Coordinator for Polio Surveillance
    Registration date : 2007-02-23

    Disease Control Methods Empty Disease Control Methods

    Post by Dr Abdul Aziz Awan Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:10 pm

    General Information

    The approaches to the control of parasitic diseases are
    crucial components of the control strategy. The realization of the various
    approaches is dependent upon the use of individual measures the selection of
    which will be determined inter alia by expected efficacy, convenience, economy
    and acceptability. In most cases a variety of measures will be required
    simultaneously. This applies particularly to anthropozoonoses and zooanthroponoses with highly adaptable biological systems. Such diseases are the most
    difficult to control, especially if nondomestic animals are involved as reservoirs of infection. Another general
    aspect is man's awareness of parasitic diseases affecting humans and livestock,
    and the motivation for taking remedial action. If such broad motivation is
    lacking among the afflicted population, it is likely that imposed control
    programmes will have only limited and ephemeral success. Health education in the widest sense,
    encompassing both the health of humans and of domestic animals, should
    therefore prepare the ground for a systematic effort against the diseases
    affecting the community.

    The simplest measures for achieving a set purpose are usually
    the best, but in their planning and execution due attention should be paid to
    acceptability, compatibility with cultural and religious background, and
    technical feasibility. For instance, it would be expecting too much if the
    dietary patterns of large populations were to be changed abruptly. Here the
    practical solution will consist of rendering the incriminated food safe rather
    than banning it. The adoption of particular individual protective measures will
    depend on the person's economic status. Wearing shoes will generally protect
    against ancylostomiasis, and the use of impregnated
    bed nets supports protection against malaria. However, shoes and bed nets have
    their price and not everybody may be able to afford them or even be willing to
    use them. Selection of the most appropriate measures for disease control
    requires therefore a sound appreciation of advantages, limitations and
    disadvantages of the methods.

    Parasitic diseases encompass a wide range of biological
    systems. Hence, the control of these diseases has many facets, implying a host
    of different measures the most important of which are detailed in the following

    Water Supplies

    Water is one of the most important vehicles of parasitic
    diseases. It harbours a number of pathogens which can reach the human or animal
    host through transdermal penetration (e.g. Schistosomiasis, Man) or through ingestion
    (e.g. dracunculiasis). It is also the medium through
    which the larvae of many parasitic species reach molluscan hosts, ultimately to
    be transmitted to man or livestock as a food-borne pathogen. Safe water is
    therefore an important means of controlling numerous parasitic diseases,
    especially helminth infections (in addition to
    controlling the transmission of nonparasitic water-borne pathogens). Safe water
    should be available for consumption, bathing, washing and leisure activities.
    Ideally, piped, treated water should be available for household use. However,
    this will not be feasible as yet in most of the vast rural areas in the tropics
    and subtropics. Well-maintained deep wells with elevated rims made out of
    masonry or concrete for the prevention of contamination will be an acceptable
    and feasible alternative in many places. The use of traditional step wells or
    ponds should be discouraged, but, if there is no other source, boiling or
    sieving water through a fine mesh may render it largely innnocuous. The
    installation of a supply of piped, treated water may permit the abolition of
    unhealthy water collections. There may be public objection to this if the water
    collections are used for producing food (e.g. fish, crabs) or for the
    irrigation of crops. However, larger pools can be constructed on a community
    basis and maintained in such a way that they do not permit the transmission of
    pathogens while fulfilling the purpose of pisciculture and serving as a source
    of water for agricultural and household needs.

    Excreta Disposal

    Most helminth eggs or larvae have to reach water or humid
    ground for further development. They achieve this as a result of urination or
    defecation into water or onto wet soil. This may be part of a deliberate
    pattern, e.g. for the fertilization of family fish ponds in some parts of
    eastern Asia. In other instances it is due to
    an ingrained behavioural pattern or due to the lack of appropriate facilities
    for the safe disposal of excreta, or a lack of incentive for using available
    facilities. Health education is probably the most
    important remedial factor in such situations. It is not advisable to embark on
    a major programme of building latrines before the population is willing to use
    them. This applies especially to rural areas in which the population has easy
    access to various types of surface water. The acceptability of latrines or of
    even better facilities for excreta disposal is usually higher in urban areas
    where the installation of sewage treatment will also often prove to be feasible
    and cost effective. If the right type of sewage treatment plant is chosen, the
    resulting sludge will be biologically safe and usable as fertilizer.

    Agricultural Hygiene

    The agricultural, pastoral and piscicultural environment is
    often intimately associated with the transmission of parasitic diseases.
    Agricultural labourers may serve as a source of infective material, especially
    if they do not dispose of their excreta in a safe way whilst in the fields.
    They are also exposed to a variety of pathogens, particularly in irrigated
    areas. In addition to these occupational aspects, the use of unsafe biological
    fertilizers (fecal matter) on vegetables will promote the spread of some
    parasitoses, e.g. amoebiasis and ascariasis. Another important
    feature is the grazing of livestock in wetland areas. Again, health education
    and community efforts towards the development of safe grazing areas, e.g.
    through drainage, will be required to remedy the situation. Particular
    precautions should be taken when using wastewater and excreta in agriculture
    and aquaculture. Improperly managed water resource development entails the risk
    of the propagation of parasitic diseases. This should be avoided through
    appropriate water management.

    Personal Hygiene

    Apart from the obvious impact of unsafe excreta disposal, the
    lack of personal hygiene is a leading cause of infection with a
    variety of parasitic pathogens such as Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Enterobius vermicularis. Washing hands
    after defecation and before eating would largely reduce the transmission of
    these pathogens. The use of water and soap would also impede the transition
    from reversible lymphoedema to irreversible elephantiasis in lymphatic filariasis. However, personal
    hygiene must go further than water and soap. It should include the seeking of
    treatment if there are symptoms of disease, and the avoidance of dangerous
    foodstuffs and of situations conducive to the contraction of infections. Health
    education will be an important vehicle for imparting the necessary knowledge,
    awareness, and habits. This process should start at as early an age as possible
    and schools will have to play a major role in this endeavour.


    Siting and type of human habitations are closely related to
    the risk of contracting certain parasitic diseases. Houses with cracked
    masonry, mud walls and/or earth floors were found to be a particularly suitable
    environment for reduviid bugs responsible for the transmission of
    Chagas disease. Simple housing improvement was found to reduce or even remove
    the risk of infection. Siting of settlements away from mosquito breeding
    grounds was an empirical yet highly effective means of protection against
    malaria. The siting of settlements at a long distance from irrigation canals
    (accompanied by the provision of safe household water) is an effective
    preventive measure against schistosomiasis since it will reduce the
    frequentation of the canals for washing, bathing and swimming.

    Type and standard of housing play a major role in allowing
    the entrance and exit of disease-carrying mosquitos. It also determines the
    feasibility of mosquito and fly proofing, and the efficacy of ancillary vector control measures such as mosquito coils
    and knock-down sprays.

    Environmental Management

    Some measures of environmental management as a means of disease
    control have been known since ancient times. Environmental management was the mainstay of
    malaria control before the advent of residual insecticides and synthetic antimalarials. It
    is making a comeback due to the limitations of other methods. The applicability
    of such measures in the control of parasitic diseases is very wide. The most
    important methods belong to environmental sanitation and water management.
    Water collections of various types are known to be breeding grounds for
    arthropod vectors of disease and the homestead of intermediate hosts of many
    helminthic organisms. Unless local economic (piscicultural and agricultural) and
    ecological reasons militate against them, filling, levelling and draining
    operations (drains, canals, and use of trees) will be appropriate measures. The
    same applies to the sanitation of wetlands to be converted into safe land for
    agriculture and livestock.

    Environmental sanitation, including peridomestic areas and
    the safe disposal of waste, is a field in which individual and community
    initiative can be used to great advantage, the more so when the necessary
    equipment is easily available and cheap (e.g. pick-axes and shovels) or
    obtainable on loan from various government departments (e.g. earth-moving

    Water management applied to water-storage reservoirs (level
    management) and irrigation systems (watering and drying cycles) will facilitate
    disease control by rendering the areas unsuitable as a habitat of intermediate
    hosts or vectors of parasitic diseases. Water management should be an integral
    part of design and operation of water impoundments and irrigation schemes.
    Dr Abdul Aziz Awan
    Dr Abdul Aziz Awan

    Pisces Number of posts : 685
    Age : 56
    Location : WHO Country Office Islamabad
    Job : National Coordinator for Polio Surveillance
    Registration date : 2007-02-23

    Disease Control Methods Empty Re: Disease Control Methods

    Post by Dr Abdul Aziz Awan Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:10 pm

    Control of Vectors and
    Intermediate Hosts

    The control of vectors and intermediate hosts of parasitic
    diseases may, to a large extent, be achieved through environmental sanitation.
    However, in some situations the applicability of such measures will be severely
    limited, as for example, in the control of Simulium spp., the vectors of
    onchocerciasis. Similarly, widespread temporary breeding places occurring
    during the rainy seasons in the tropics may pose insurmountable obstacles to
    environmental management. Alternative control approaches are therefore

    At the beginning of the twentieth century mosquito control
    was improved by the use of light oils and chemicals such as Paris Green. In
    spite of their efficacy the application of these measures has remained quite
    limited due to the need for repetitive use and high cost. The introduction of
    chemical insecticides has not fundamentally changed the situation. Moreover,
    ecological considerations and non-target effects against the aquatic fauna and
    flora restrict the widespread repetitive use of insecticides. Chemical larvicides, rapidly biodegradable insecticides
    with low non-target toxicity, are still useful in the rapid control of
    epidemics of some vector-borne diseases. The same applies to the control of Cyclops spp., the intermediate hosts of Dracunculus medinensis and various
    other helminths.

    Biological methods for larval control have a
    long tradition inasmuch as larvivorous fish, e.g. Gambusia
    affinis, have been used since the beginning of the twentieth century.
    Although appealing as a natural solution to a natural problem, larvivorous fish
    have a limited usefulness since seasonal and shallow breeding places are not
    suitable for their maintenance. It may also be difficult to find a local
    species of larvivorous fish. The introduction of non-local species may have a
    disastrous impact on the local aquatic fauna and interfere seriously with the
    production of food fish species.

    Bacterial toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis
    and Bacillus sphaericus are selectively
    directed against mosquito larvae and being used in the control of Culex spp. and Aedes spp. As the microorganisms sink to
    the ground they are not suitable for controlling Anopheles spp. (surface feeders). B.thuringiensis
    does not reproduce in the breeding places, but B.sphaericus does to some
    extent but not sufficiently to relinquish the need for regular retreatment of
    the breeding places.

    The intradomiciliary application of residual insecticides
    such as chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT), organophosphorus compounds (malathion),
    carbamides (propoxur), fenitrothion and synthetic pyrethroids is suitable and
    often quite cost-effective for the control of adult endophilic mosquitoes. However, the occurrence of
    specific resistance, aided and abetted by the agricultural use of insecticides
    of the same chemical groups, the presence of exophilic mosquitoes, increasing
    cost of insecticides and labour, and rising ecopolitical constraints have
    reduced their usefulness or applicability. Their use is still important,
    though, in the control of threatening or manifest epidemics where they are
    generally applied on a focal basis. These are situations where the
    ultra-low-volume (ULV) dispersal of suitable insecticides, may also show rapid
    effect. On the whole, the use of integrated vector control opens better
    prospects for an environmentally acceptable control of arthropod-borne
    parasitic diseases.

    Pyrethroid-impregnated bed nets (deltamethrin or permethrin)
    or impregnated curtains and screens bar or reduce the contact between man and
    vector. They gained a firm place in malaria control,. especially in areas with
    moderate or intensive transmission. Their efficacy is due to a repellent effect
    rather than specific insecticidal action, promoting also epidemiologically
    desirable vector deviation to animals.

    The control of aquatic snails continues to present a serious
    problem. Environmental management is the only effective and widely acceptable
    procedure for snail control. The available molluscicides are either not
    sufficiently effective (e.g. copper sulfate) or they are too toxic for the
    non-target fauna, including fish.

    The ability to diagnose the presence of infections is an
    important factor in guiding the treatment of individuals, and forms the basis
    of epidemiological assessment which should enable the health authorities to
    determine the dimensions of the specific human and/or animal health problem. It
    is also an essential tool for monitoring the impact of disease control
    activities. Macroscopic and/or microscopic diagnosis of parasitic diseases may
    be relatively simple and reliable with some parasite species, especially
    intestinal helminths, but exceedingly difficult with others, mostly
    tissue-dwelling parasites, e.g. certain types of nematodes. Serological methods based on the
    detection of specific antibodies usually reflect past or present host-parasite
    contact and therefore do not provide proof of current infection. Similarly,
    relatively fresh infections may not have given rise to detectable antibodies as
    yet and show seronegativity in spite of the living pathogen's presence.
    Demonstration of circulating antigens is a more reliable and specific basis for
    diagnosing current infections. Rather simple and reliable antigen detection
    tests have been developed for several human parasitoses, e.g. infections with P. falciparum or W. bancrofti.
    They are based on the detection of highly specific parasite antigens. However,
    relatively high costs continue to restrict their use in the framework of
    control programmes. The same still applies to tests for the detection of
    lactate dehydrogenase from malaria parasites.

    Identification of infections by polymerase chain reaction
    (PCR) has been developed for numerous parasite species. However, the routine
    use of PCR is currently limited to research institutions and to diagnostic
    laboratories in prosperous countries. Its cost and operational requirements are
    too high to be affordable by most of the tropical countries.

    In order to be widely practicable, diagnostic techniques for
    the most important human and animal parasitoses must be simple, cheap, and
    undemanding in terms of sophisticated equipment, electricity supply and
    operator skill. Human and veterinary health services in many parts of the world
    still lack the infrastructure required for establishing reliable data on
    prevalence and incidence of major parasitic diseases and associated mortality.
    This accounts for serious deficiencies in national and international disease


    Effective agents for the treatment of numerous parasitic
    diseases are available (see chapters on disease control). Some are reasonably
    cheap, such as those for the treatment of intestinal nematode infections of
    humans and domestic animals. Other medicaments are expensive, such as
    third-line drugs for the treatment of falciparum malaria. High costs may limit their
    use or encourage sub-optimal medication, and consequently allow a parasite reservoir to be maintained that will be an
    obstacle to the effective control of the disease concerned. There are, however,
    a large number of parasitoses for which the therapeutic armamentarium is
    grossly deficient, e.g. Chagas disease, kala-azar and liver fluke infections.

    With regard to malaria the situation was relatively
    satisfactory after the wider introduction of the 4-aminoquinolines in the late
    1940s. However, the advent of chloroquine resistance in P.
    falciparum has compromised the efficacy of this group of drugs in wide
    parts of tropical Asia and South America. In
    the hyper- and holoendemic areas of tropical Africa juveniles and adults
    continue to derive therapeutic benefit from chloroquine, but young children
    whose immunity is not yet sufficiently developed generally require treatment
    with alternative drugs. Resistance to the first-line alternative
    drugs, namely combinations of sulfonamides with pyrimethamine, already affects
    large areas in southeastern Asia and South America, and is rising in parts of
    tropical Africa, necessitating the use of
    second-line alternative drugs which are considerably more expensive. Resistance
    to mefloquine and structurally related quinine occurs in Cambodia, parts of southern Viet Nam and eastern Myanmar
    and in some parts of Thailand
    bordering on Myanmar and Cambodia. Here
    combined treatment with artesunate or artemether with mefloquine still yields
    satisfactory results.

    On the whole the veterinary health sector has had greater
    success in the development of antiparasitic drugs than the human health sector.
    This is largely due to a better financial endowment of agricultural and
    livestock development and to the more stringent toxicological requirements
    governing the registration of medicaments for use in man. The situation is
    compounded by the fact that the development of medicaments against human
    parasitoses holds little attraction for the pharmaceutical industry since the
    main market for such drugs is in poor tropical countries.


    In many parasitic diseases there is evidence of the natural
    development of immunity to the specific pathogen. Such immunity rarely induces
    total refractoriness to reinfection, but it will restrict parasite reproduction
    or acceptance and induce tolerance to the pathogen. The development of immunity
    is quite slow. Considerable efforts have been made in the field of immunization
    against parasitic diseases, especially against those caused by protozoa. In bovine babesiosis, attenuated
    live Babesia bigemina is being used for inoculation
    of livestock. The resulting immunity is satisfactory, but there is still
    significant mortality associated with vaccination which is, on balance,
    economically acceptable. Such approaches are not feasible in human parasitic
    diseases except for agents with low virulence, e.g. Leishmania

    Although immunization holds substantial promise in the
    control of many parasitic diseases and the progress in gene technology and
    polypeptide synthesis is likely to pave the way to economically acceptable
    products, there is still a long and arduous way to go before well-tolerated and
    reliable vaccination will become a reality in the control of parasitic

    Clinical Relevance

    Diagnostic and therapeutic measures have direct clinical
    relevance. Other disease control measures have indirect clinical relevance
    inasmuch as they are geared to the reduction of the community's disease burden,
    and thus a lessening of the pressure on the health services.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 1:29 pm